How to earn money from medium apps part 1
Naseer khan
To earn money from Medium through its app, you can follow these steps and strategies:
Join the Medium Partner Program (MPP):
To start earning, you need to enroll in the Medium Partner Program. The eligibility criteria include being a paid member of Medium, having published at least one story, and being from one of the eligible countries. You can apply through the Medium Partner Program page.
Write Quality Content:
Focus on creating high-quality, engaging, and well-researched content. Stories that provide value or entertain are more likely to attract readers and increase reading time, which is a key factor in how much you earn. The quality of your writing directly impacts your potential earnings as Medium pays based on how much time members spend reading your stories.
Understand the Earning Mechanism:
Medium calculates earnings based on member reading time and engagement. The longer a member reads your story, the more you earn. Factors like claps, highlights, and followership after reading can also influence earnings, although the exact formula isn't publicly disclosed.
Engage with Your Audience:
Interact with your readers by responding to comments, which can help build a community around your content. This engagement can lead to more followers and potentially higher earnings as followers are more likely to read your future articles.